
Our Junior Secondary

Year 7 – 9

Growing the best and brightest.

Junior Secondary at Lighthouse is designed to ensure the transition from Primary to Secondary school life is successful, strong and consistent for all students, focusing on age-appropriate education and support for wellbeing.

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Junior Secondary at Lighthouse connects the Primary and Senior Secondary areas of formal education using five core principles, namely distinct identity, quality teaching, student wellbeing, parental partnerships, and Biblical foundations. These principles ensure students in this phase remain engaged through challenging educational offerings. 

Our curriculum is designed to provide strong foundations in literacy and numeracy, as well as exposure to a broad range of specialist subjects. Junior Secondary students have personalised literacy and numeracy goals, and progress is tracked regularly throughout the year. A small class context develops the positive personal and work habits required for students to excel and succeed in Senior Schooling. 

English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), Health and Physical Education, Hospitality, Technology and Visual Art programs are provided by caring and passionate educators. 

Spiritual Growth

Junior Secondary students are encouraged to live out their faith throughout the school and broader community. Students are active in supporting fund-raising and outreach events throughout the year and are involved in weekly Bible classes and Chapel services.

Social and Emotional Development

In Junior Secondary, students are assigned a Form Teacher whom they have for the majority of their subjects. This allows your child to make an effective transition from Primary to Secondary Schooling. Daily Form classes provide pastoral care and support for student wellbeing.

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Physical Development

Junior Secondary students have Health and Physical Education as a compulsory part of their subject offering. Students are encouraged to join school teams to train and compete in local sporting competitions against other Rockhampton regional schools.